Opening hours and prices

Flexible, child and parent-friendly


Durch die Buchungszeit haben die Eltern die Möglichkeit den Zeitrahmen innerhalb der Öffnungszeiten zu vereinbaren, den das Kind regelmäßig in der Einrichtung verbringt.

Opening hours:

Monday to Thursday

7:30 am – 5:00



7:30 am – 4:00


The minimum number of hours available is 20 hours per week.
Monthly nursery fees are based on the hours booked:

Hours daily

Monthly fee

> 3 – 4 hours

325,60 €

> 4 – 5 hours

408,10 €

> 5 – 6 hours

489,50 €

> 6 – 7 hours

570,90 €

> 7 – 8 hours

652,30 €

> 8 – 9 hours

734,80 €

>      9 Std.

816,20 €

We offer a sibling discount of € 40 on the childcare costs for the older sibling. The flat rate for all-day meals is € 126,50. An admission fee of € 450 is due upon conclusion of the contract, which is non-refundable.

We adjust the fees every September.

Please register via the Kitabunt Bildungsgruppe website:
