Daily schedule

Fixed rhythm gives the youngest ones


Due to fact that the children arrive at different times, the morning begins with a time of free play and a chance to welcome each other.

Thereafter, all the children congregate to enjoy some time as a complete nursery group and to exchange ideas (morning circle). Here the children find out what the rest of the day holds for them and they have the opportunity to give a presentation on what they have seen/done and share experiences with the other children.

Before and after our communal breakfast in particular, we spend a lot of time on personal hygiene (washing hands, changing nappies).

The children then pursue different activities either as an entire nursery group, in a smaller group or in different groups working on the same activity in parallel, depending on the nature, content and theme of the activity (gymnastics, group and movement games, play dough, painting, going for a walk, time outdoors, looking at a picture, introducing a new song, etc.).

Another aspect of the main group slot in the schedule is tidy-up time: by taking time together to organise tidying up, the children develop a sense of responsibility for both our property and materials.

The children go out to play before lunch, rain or shine.

Together through the day



The children all eat lunch in their groups with their teachers.


After lunch and a fair amount of time spent on personal hygiene, it is time for the children to relax, rest or sleep. Beds/sleeping mats are set out and the children can sleep, or if they prefer, listen to soft music or have stories read to them.

After this time of rest, the children resume their projects and activities or start new ones.

Fresh-Air Time

We also spend a great deal of time out of doors, at all times of year and in almost all weather conditions, because children naturally both need and want to play and be on the move. However, our “outdoor activities.